
Tuesday, April 06, 2010


the problem is do we have something in us more divine than the essence of a blade of grass ... were we all sent out with no thought of return ... not even with the pulling weight of a child in the air knowing she must come down ... or are we the first to turn around and reflect in our faces god's decision for us ... when we do get to thinking we could fill a glove with five fingers of thought and then move the hand as if it were one ... we can say a word and act as if we meant it ... we could tell a lie and then repent it ... we can turn in a still empty room and ask what's the point ... close our ears and close our eyes and hear a rattle of voices ... see not just what she's saying but get a touch of her intent ... before the system and the thought first comes the thinker ... like the cob in the center of the web we find the filiments resillient ... like the blade of grass they mean some other ... a finger on the bell we mean to press it to enter ... we've seen the world all its turning turning ... if there's a point to be made we want to see the who that makes it

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