
Saturday, April 24, 2010


if I believe all the particles inside and outside earth are each racing from some very small tiny point to a perimeter as yet undefined to no discernible purpose with as it were occasional liaisons or rest stops to coalesce and coagulate but otherwise moving in a fairly predictable way towards final decomposition and dissolution I might say it's my belief the world has its destiny ... I might on the other hand disbelieve in destiny ... I might say instead these physical congregations are not only totally accidental but so is existence itself ... I might believe there's no evidence now or ever has been of this continuing one nanosecond more ... on the third hand ... you see I will need your help ... I might take both destiny and chance to point to my salvation ... there is a design but we didn't make it ... you can tell that by all the accidents we suffer ... there is a plan but we've got something better that recognizes things don't always go according to plan ... someone better ... hope ... in someone's promise

cf moltmann, theology of hope, I.8

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