
Saturday, April 24, 2010


you've heard of a poet I'm a proet ... of a papist I'm a pacrist ... like monk the tv detective I don't like my different foods to touch ... I don't have to take them in a certain order but the categories shouldn't blend ... philosophy and theology shouldn't mix and the same for history and fiction ... they should be taken discretely with a little time in between to rest ... but each food group is essential and a serving of each I take every day ... and at night when I can sit and relax sometimes I write a pacre ... otherwise what's all this eating for ... it's something like a diary or something like a journal or something like a letter to my friends the ones I haven't met ... or it's like a prayer I copy out just to hear what it says ... I can't say they're not delivered even when they aren't typed ... or that they're ever read even when they are ... I'm not sure I can answer for their intention when they're done or their beauty or swerve a year or two later ... they are creatures of my cold intellectual passion I sometimes love

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