
Monday, April 05, 2010


calculation that's what you do with logic ... imagination that's what you do with understanding ... here's an example ... the ego is homeless or thinks it is ... it gets the chance to live in a fleshpot a vacuum chamber or a fountain ... he goes to the fleshpot first ... this is nice he says ... it has a regular circular swirl punctuated by fast surges even spikes of impulse ... over the years it's a great game of straight line and curve ... especially swinging wide on the turns ... and it's a great life of coasting and sliding into home ... but comes the knock at the door and there's no one there ... not even a question as to who it might be ... and it's the loss of that question that haunts him most ... an aimless vapid little void ... ah now's the time for thought ... the eagle sits himself down ... now while we're waiting let's fire up the cause and watch its effect ... let's take the essence of our observation and put it in this box ... along the sides we'll cut holes out for its breathing ... lord what to do with such a toy so that now I can say I see

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