
Saturday, April 03, 2010


the trouble is dribbling forward when I should be spitting ... aiming at ... starting with a plan a question then its answer ... it's not enough to have a hammer even if you can throw it really far and straight ... it's not enough to have an anvil even if it's flat broad and powerful at the top ... you have to halve them both and you know even that's not enough ... you need the material in between the hammer and the anvil ... something to give a form ... something that doesn't have it yet ... a pre form thing and what a thing that must be ... a thing without a form ... any form ... I'm thinking about the first thing before the first form ... using such a thing formless as a form to guide you is enough to make anyone dribble ... and I wouldn't ... I'd have if I could nothing to do with it ... but I have no choice ... I have a form indicative of the time ... fatally attracted to this thing without a form ... before the first form ... it drops me on a downslope with my feet running in a circle but fixed in place ... I know I'll be going down I just don't know when ... it can't be long but even then I'll disagree ... hold back on my consent ... before this final wonder

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