
Thursday, November 20, 2008


how do you know our universe isn't a particle of dust on a policeman's coat button ... I don't but I don't believe it is ... it doesn't fit my experience my sense of deduction or the revelation I've been privileged to receive ... it hasn't been my experience that a piece of dust is large enough to hold a house much less a universe ... furthermore though I have seen it argued that a thing can be bigger on the inside than it is on the outside the people then were talking about spiritual and mental things like love and universals not about things that extend in space and are measured in time like buttons on coats or policemen in the flesh ... you might want to redefine these terms but they seem pretty steady to me and not in need of tinkering ... furthermore such a conclusion that we are no more than dust or points in a meaningless regression goes against my revelation ... the promises of meaning and purpose passed to me through centuries of thought and blood by an unbroken string of sages and martyrs calling me to have courage and hope

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