
Tuesday, October 14, 2008


some people have tried lots of ways high and low to get stoned ... I only knew two but I'm considering a third based on something I just read ... the two methods I'm familiar with struck me as being similar in this respect ... they both have a moment when all the buzz and rattle stops ... the first method under whose influence I came to legal maturity required an hour or two before the moment came ... helped if you could find a spot to yourself which was difficult in this a social way ... the second was immediate but blurred or even falsified if you had to be with others but alone it came within a minute or two ... but this new method requires no drug at all ... indeed something to be desired ... and short as it is it implicates the hierarchical structure of the universe ... mercy rather than simple justice ... and the insignificant yet tawdry role I have played myself within it ... and it takes no time at all ... a good deal you would say ... well yes but the high it gives me does not raise me up ... the calm with which it surrounds me does not keep the world out ... and the feeling of quiet it brings me isn't centered in the smooth flow of the blood round my ears but in the assurance of my mind that this word is the truth

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