
Tuesday, March 30, 2010


if only one thing were necessary could it not at the same time appear to be very complicated appearing as it must everywhere and all the time ... for want of a better word let's call it being and say it does nothing else but be all the time and nothing else does that ... actually you get the impression it's so good at what it does it doesn't need anything else to do it ... not even time or space or matter itself ... it just is and there's nothing to compare with it ... but everything else must try for this is being itself without which nothing else is ... the simple cell organism pregnant to split into two wants more of it ... the amphibian on the edge of a spiral in a corner of the galaxy comes out of the dark mud to look into the sky at night wants what it sees ... more of the night and more of the sky ... the old man in the hospital bed struggling to breathe with each half breath wants to be just a little longer ... like the amphibian taking in a gulp of it ... like the amoeba moving to it ... each particle in orbit or out of it ... each thought near or far mistaken wants this one thing ... to be and to be more of it

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