
Tuesday, July 22, 2008


he had to be jesus then to be christ today ... modern man says isn't it lucky you just happened to be born into the one civilization among all the others on just the one planet in all the universe where god in his only begotten form chose to appear and consequently just your philosophy among all the opinions on earth is right ... how fortunate ... how unusual ... how odd ... how unlikely ... and he says this knowing the consequences ... without divine intervention all we have is divine interpretation divine inspiration ... discernment is simple prudence the pragmatic decision to go with the winner ... we call it prediction and reward those who are good at it and call them scientists ... knowers ... the universe is what it says it is ... everything ... all your religion your physics your metaphysics your convictions and your conjectures are parts of the whole and so is god ... there never is an intervention ... where would it come from ... outside everything there's nothing ... all your fables your parables and fancies are mental hijinks rolling on ether ... just the same as mine with greater or less effect ... unless there was an intervention unlike any possible other a complete break in the physical routine

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