
Saturday, June 21, 2008


you say darwinian that you're a realist but the christian he says he is too and a better one than you ... you say you understand how life on earth developed with or without creation ... the christian says creation isn't an incidental ... creation is origin ... you say where's your evidence ... the christian responds the big bang and the little bang ... the origin of the universe and the origin of species here on earth in a cambrian explosion ... you darwinian are amused to ask what is the origin of species ... and it pleases the christian to answer ... species come from phyla and phyla come from kingdoms and kingdoms come from god ... all right you darwinian reply and without god do we not still have species phyla and kingdom ... for what's any one of those but our human way of talking ... what do we ever know of nature that isn't just our human nature's way of trying to figure it out ... and what's the clearest we ever get ... a rule that's generally true ... a law we haven't managed yet to break ... all our certainties are built on sand ... precisely replies the christian ... that's why you're not a realist ... you're an idealist

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